原装Cloutank M4 雾化器 fo wax dy heb only二合一雾化器
阻值:2.0-2.5欧姆工作电压: 3.7-4.5伏特颜色:透明配EGO/510转接头尺寸: 80mm*18mm
1*full vapoize2*eplaceable vapoize head1*decoative ing1*use manual1*packing box
特点:1.Dy heb vapoize2.Patent design3.Pyex glass with metal4.Self-cleaning
1) Detach bune:the chambe and the coil ae aches to avoid damage while cleaning.
2) M4 chambe:the patent design M4 chambe allows use to "e mix" the dy hebal leaves inside the chambewithout opening the chambe,which allow the use to each all of the dy hebal leaves inside.
3) Self-cleaning:the M4 chambe one push button allows the use to clean the chambe easily without any tool.
4) Aiflow contol system.
5) Dual filte system.