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销售冠军 蓝牙耳机 4p 450长 蓝牙板 数据连接线 4P FPC

品 牌: 鸿鹄德
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最后更新: 2017-06-30 14:00
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  • 所在地区:广东
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    蓝牙耳机的市场情况在当前的消费级耳机市场上,蓝牙耳机的表现非常抢眼。蓝牙耳机采用无线传输方式,免除了线材的束缚,使用便利性大大提升,尤其是在户外场所,更是非常方便。无线是当前非常流行的应用趋势,很多消费类电子产品都应用了蓝牙无线传输,作为聆听必不可少的耳机同样也应用到了这项技术。目前,国内市场上,蓝牙耳机还是比较多见的,很多消费者尤其是音乐爱好者、广大车主朋友都会选购蓝牙耳机。蓝度耳机线 目前可以有两种做法,一种是FPC软板制程,另一种是FFC软线制程,请详见上图

    深圳市鸿鹄德科技有限公司Shenzhen HonghudeTechnology Co.,Ltd.

    鸿鹄(国际)集团有限公司The Swan(International)Group Co.,Ltd.


    李欣: 13537535897英文名:jackie-li





    我们的公司介绍:鸿鹄(国际)集团有限公司(The Swan Ua International Group Limited)成立于1995年,总部位于深圳市南山高新科技园。成立初,主要代理IPEX,HRS,TE,MOLEX,安费诺等国际知名品牌连接器,通过20年的努力,在深圳,江苏建有生产基地,并在香港,台湾,北京,上海,福建建立分公司,2010年在美国,日本,印度,韩国,马来西亚建立海外营销中心,2012年集团销售额突破10亿美元,成为全球大型的精密连接线缆与精密连接器的大型企业之一.

    深圳市鸿鹄德科技有限公司(Shenzhen Honghu de Technology Co., Ltd)是鸿鹄(国际)集团独资建立、隶属于鸿鹄工业产品事业部,工厂成立于2007年,位于深圳市宝安区福永福海工业区, 占地面积5000平方米,雇员1000人以上。工厂主设CNC车间、电镀车间、注塑车间、装配车间等。深圳市鸿鹄德科技有限公司有限公司拥有强大的设计研发能力和先进的生产技术,目前已获得10余项实用新型专利证书。工厂通过了ISO 9001,ISO 14001和TS 16949等相关认证。 深圳市鸿鹄德科技有限公司是行业领先的精密信号线缆与工业连接器制造商,也是恶劣环境互连系统的知名方案提供商。产品以大电流、中/高电压、耐各种极端恶劣环境及高可靠性为特色,广泛应用于重型设备、轨道交通、新能源、液晶电视,汽车,航空设备,医疗设备,打印设备,石油天然气/采矿、服务器/数据通讯、智能电网、机器人/自动化控制等众多领域。相关产品通过了UL、IEC/TUV、ATEX、IECEx等国际标准认证,鸿鹄德产品可定义为:1.极细同轴线缆,FFC扁平信号屏线,铁氟龙信号线,光纤连接器2.互连系统解决方案 鸿鹄德工业产品的技术优势体现在:1.电源解决方案—大电流的应用2.恶劣环境下的应用3.高性能连接器-可靠性高4.中电压技术 产品技术涉及广:信号过滤解决方案,高电流解决方案,轻量信号方案与电磁屏蔽,高压解决方案,防爆解决方案,低烟/高温解决方案,密封解决方案。


    企业精神─全面客户满意、永无止境改进及革新、 采用六西格码管理









    The Swan Ua International Group Limited was established in 1995, the headquarters inShenzhenNanshanHigh-techPark . The early days of establishment, mainly in agent IPEX,HRS,TE,MOLEX,Amphenol and any otherinternationalwell-knownbrands connector. Throughitseffortsover thepast20year, build the production base in Shenzhen andJiangsu , also with the branch inHongkong ,Taiwan,Beijing,ShanghaiandFujian . In 2010, the overseas marketing center founded inUSA ,Japan,India,Korea,Malaysia. And in 2012, the sales volume reached in $1 billion, became one of the largest enterprises in connecting cable and connector in the world.

    Shenzhen Honghu de TechnologyCo. , Ltd was a wholly-owned company builds by The Swan Ua International Group Limited; belong to the Swan Ua group product division. The factory founded in 2007, located in Fortuna's industrial zone in, bao’an Shenzhen and with 5000-square-meter floor area and more than 1000 employee. CNC workshop, electroplating workshop, injection workshop, assembly workshop and any other workshop have settled in the factory. Shenzhen Honghu de Technology Co., Ltd with a strong design, research and development capabilities and advanced production technology, has won more than ten utility model patent certificates.Factory has passed ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and TS 16949 certification. Shenzhen Honghu de Technology Co., Ltd is one of the industry's pioneers in precision signal cable and industrial connector production, well-known solutions provider in severe environment interconnection systems. Products with the features of high current, medium/high voltage, resistance to all kinds of extreme environment and high reliability, widely used in heavy equipment, rail transport, new energy, LCD TV, automotive, aviation equipment, medical equipment, printing equipment, oil and natural gas mining, the server/data communication, the smart grid, robot control/automation, and many other areas.Swan Ua products passed UL, IEC/TUV, ATEX, IECEx international standard authentication. Swan Ua products can define as: 1.coaxial finest cables FFC flat screen line signal, Teflon, signal lines, fiber optic connectors. 2.Interconnection system solutions

    Technical advantage:1.the application of power supply solution - large current 2.the application in extremely environment 3.high performance connectors-in high reliability 4.In medium voltage technology – widely used, signal filtering solution, high current solutions, lightweight scheme and electromagnetic shielding signal, high pressure solution, explosion-proof solution, low smoke/heat solution, sealing solutions.


    Entrepreneurial spirit­­---- "a comprehensive customer satisfaction,never-ending improvement and innovation, by using six sigma management

    Take the customer as the center, market as the guidance, diligently and sincerely to treat every customer.

    ★The pursuitof excellence, create welfare forthesociety

    ★Pay equal attention to profit and growth, maintain sustainable business

    ★Adopt the team management mode, doing their own research

    EnterpriseCulture: set up high aspirations,create youth dream

    Small win by wisdom, victory by virtue!



